Our Mission
Pluma Pictures Inc. - a non-profit film production company - is dedicated to making movies about heroes and heroines.

Our heroes and heroines are people who struggle against seemingly insurmountable odds for a noble cause, universal values, such as for truth, peace, justice, tolerance, beauty, and the importance of family and community.



Secondary Goals
· To promote the arts, especially those which espouse peace, justice and tolerance
· To provide hands-on training, whenever possible and feasible, to aspiring filmmakers

“We are not producing feel-good movies. We are producing films about men and women who face harsh realities, such as natural disasters, racism and poverty, for the sake of the good.”
Father Armando P. Ibáñez, Pluma Pictures, Inc, founder, CEO / President

Pluma Pictures, Inc., was founded in early 2001 and was granted non-profit status by the IRS in 2002. The production company’s roots date back to 1992 when Father Armando founded Pluma Productions, a subsidiary of the Southern Dominican Province, which commissioned him to produce films in keeping with the mandate issued by the world chapters of the Dominican religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. Father Armando is a Dominican friar and is a member of the Southern Dominican Province.

Board of Directors

Our ancestors gathered around the fire to hear and share stories. Today, we gather in dark theaters and around television sets and computers to do the same. Stories are not just information;
they are life-giving and empowering or not......